Friday, March 30, 2012

Whitehorse Trail and General Meeting May 31, 2012

The next general meeting is scheduled for 7 PM May 31st at Trafton School, room 65.  12616 Jim Creek Road, Arlington, WA 98223

This event will include a pre-meeting trail walk and information tour starting at 5:30 PM at Cloverdale Farm (1/2 mile north of Hwy 530 on 115th Ave NE).  The walk will visit the Whitehorse Trail between Coverdale Farm and the “Tin Bridge” somewhat less than 1 mile west of the farm.

Map Spot

View May 31st meeting for Centennial Trail Coalition of Snohomish County in a larger map

Public Welcome, Bring your questions and suggestions.
The topics for discussion will include: 
Updates from Snohomish County Parks
Plans for The Whitehorse Trail  This meeting has been planned to reach the communities of Oso and Trafton in order to get their ideas and suggestions 
for trail plans.


  1. Thank you so much for hosting a booth at the grand opening event of the restroom/visitor facility at Legion Park in Arlington. -Sarah Lopez, City of Arlington

    1. Thank you for planning a very fun event. The Brass Band was a kick, it was nice to hear about the planning that goes in to having community gathering spaces, something that Arlington seems to be really focusing on, and it was nice to hear about the work that Arlington will be doing on the Centennial Trail just south of the park. The visitors to our booth were universally appreciative of the Centennial Trail and looking forward to using the Whitehorse Trail. We hope many of them will show up at our May 31st meeting and help with ideas for the future.

  2. I was just wondering if the White Horse Trail and General Meeting to be held on May 31st begins at 6pm or 7pm. Thank You

    1. There are two independent parts to the May 31st get together. We will meet at 5:30 at the Cloverdale farm and walk along the trail. Then at 7 PM we will meet at the Trafton School for a normal indoor meeting. The indoor part of the meeting is later than our usual time for the CTCSC general meetings. We welcome people to attend either or both of the events.

  3. As a local cyclist, I'm very excited about the potential for Whitehorse Trail opening in the near future!

  4. My understanding is that the next meeting is Aug. 29, at the Boys & Girls Club in Arlington. Is that correct? If so, what time?

    Thank you!

    1. Yes, that is correct. Here is the announcement:
